Saturday, July 03, 2010

Runaways and Sneak Peeks

A few days ago, I came home to find my speical bear pet, Tawni, missing! I think that naughty Hideeni snuck into my house and let her out! That jerk.. Anyways, today I came home to find she has returned, safe and sound. I'm so happy. <3

Also, I am slightly happy with next week's items. I was reading the weekly Pet So paper, and I saw that it is retro diner week. As well as some AWESOME canadian items. I am orriginally from Canada, and I am happy for them to bring some items out. Like the Naniamo Bars. Seeing this made me laugh VERY hard. How typically Canadian. xD Though, I do not like them very much, because they have coconut in them, and I hate coconut.. >_<

Well, that's all for now..
Still no luck on finding a new love...